Monday, July 25, 2011

My journey with the Boy Who Lived

Yes..I am talking about Harry Potter. As some may know, I am a bit of an HP fanatic. Ok..I may be obsessed. Yes I got to the theatre 60 hours before the midnight premiere of the 8th and final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Yes i camped at the theatre, sleeping in tents on concrete. But hey, my friends and I were the first ones in line in the entire U.S. How cool is that?
We had our tickets, we were simply camping out to get the seats we wanted and just to celebrate the amaziness. We dressed up and played Quidditch. We had duels and tried our HP trivia.
It was an absolutely wonderful experience, to spend time with all these people who love the same thing you do.
Many people don't understand the passion I have for these books and movies. And I don't really know how to explain it other than I grew up with the franchise. Harry Potter is what got me into reading. I never in a million years would have thought to pick up a chapter book. I hated reading until I started those books. They took me away into another world when I so despised a lot in life. Middle school you know...not the best years...I spent a lot of time with my books those days.
It truly is sad to see the franchise come to an end. It almost feels like part of me has died. Yes I always re-read the books or re-watch the movies, but it's not the same. It's been a wonderful journey and I have loved every moment of it. My fellow "Potterheads" are some of the best friends I have. I enjoyed sharing the experience with them and watching as our love for the books transitioned to screen.
Call me crazy...I am crazy. But not many can say they have such a great passion for something. And hey...I could be addicted to something worse.. :)

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